designstudio 14

Dicky Cheung

Posted in Dicky Cheung by designstudio14 on June 11, 2009

Remembrance of the 3000

Folkestone is an English seaside town with rich cultural backgrounds; over the centuries significant historic events such as the Second World War had occurred and especially over the Dover Straits between the coast of UK and France is where the Battle of Britain occurred.

Folkestone played a major part in this battle and as a consequence was heavily damaged by bombs and gun shots.  It is important that the 2946 men who fought in this battle to protect the UK from German invasions are remembered.  In addition, this is an opportunity to establish linkage to France which had an intimate relationship with the UK during the war (The closest point of France from Folkestone is Cap Gris-Nez – also a battle station).  Although there are currently existing memorials to commemorate this event, none of the memorials express a war like presence; this is important to the public and visitors such that the memorial has a deeper level of meaning to symbolise the event.  This therefore experiments on an architecture to remember the battle and attempt to mimic the atmospheres of wars.


Dicky Cheung

Posted in Dicky Cheung by designstudio14 on June 11, 2009